The Song Rising & An Evening with Samantha Shannon

sr2Back in March, I was lucky enough to book an evening with Samantha Shannon at Waterstones Piccadilly in London. This was to celebrate the release of the third book in the Bone Season trilogy, ‘The Song Rising’.

Unfortunately, we were sat right at the back in the crowd of people that turned up for the meet and greet, and so rather than seeing Samantha’s lovely face, I was starting at the back of a very large mans head for an hour. We then also had to wait another hour to actually get our copies of ‘The Song Rising’ signed, because the back row was last to go and meet Samantha (damn that front row!) So, by the time we reached her, we were running late for our transport home and only had a chance to quickly say hello. Morale of the story, always try and sit in the front row at author meetings, and don’t take three books to get signed because it’s not fair on the 50 people waiting behind you.

However, luckily I had already started reading ‘The Song Rising’, so this didn’t deter from the excitement of the new book too much.


Samantha Shannon at the meet and greet

The third installment follows on from where the second, ‘The Mime Order’, left off. I don’t want to spoil anything for those that are only just discovering this series, but I found ‘The Song Rising’ to take a much darker turn than the beginning of the series, and from what Samantha said at the signing, it will only get darker. If you’re anything like me, then you are probably quite intrigued by the romance in the series. Don’t worry, there is plenty to keep you satisfied in ‘The Song Rising’; I was actually pleasantly surprised by the scenes between Warden and Paige. Usually, authors like to have one book without any romance in, to keep the readers guessing (well, in my experience) for the next book, but I’m pleased Samantha still had a few Warden/Paige scenes for us!


From the meet and greet, Samantha did also say that book four is the main turning point in the series, and a major event at the end of that installment will change the game for all the characters!

Have you read this series? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below! 

Thanks for reading! 

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